Contact information

  • Address: Othonos 41 & Riga Feraiou
  • Postal code (ZIP): 211 00
  • City/Location: Nafplio
  • Phone: +30 27520 29449


How to get to Nafplio

If you travel by plane and land at the international airport "Eleftherios Venizelos" in Athens or boat and moor in the port of Piraeus you can reach Nafplio by rental car, by bike or by bus.
The coach bus Kifissos in Athens runs every hour to Nafplio and the journey time is approximately 2 hours. The car or motorcycle is always the most convenient and practical way of locomotion. The distance Athens - Nafplio is 137 kilometers, covered in a maximum of two hours, depending on traffic and vehicle speed. After Corinth, follow the highway Corinth-Tripoli (Argos exit) and head to New Tiryns and then to Nafplion.
If you are in Patras (183 kilometers), will have to move on the national Athens-Patras highway and then at the height of Corinth to turn the Corinth-Tripoli.